Puerto Azul Cavite – As I Knew It

I was checking my old internal hard drive for in an attempt to transfer some files to my new external drive. Since I disconnected it already, I could only connect it if I need some old files.  Before I knew it, I ended up re-naming some old photos folders so that it would be easy for me to find any of the important  photos that I might need for some future projects. One of the folders that I bumped into was the folder of the photos taken last December 14, 2008.  It was during one of our road trips to Tarnate in Cavite City. It was a Puerto Azul file and it reminded  me of that one Sunday morning when we just drove to find a place or resort where we could spend the new year.

I was quite new in Manila then, so I didn’t have much knowledge about Puerto Azul and its glorious past back in the days. My wife said that it used to be exclusive and checking in was considered expensive during the 80’s. You’d still see by those old and de lapidated structures that were still present during that visit. According to ABS-CBN’s article called “Whatever happened to Puerto Azul?,” it was once considered as “Asia’s Paradise Resort” and the “World’s Golfing Capital.” It also used to be one of the greatest summer hotspots in the Philippines. Today, others want to know if there’s something new that Puerto Azul could offer. Are there new attractions and new facilities?

More Photos of Puerto Azul here

During that visit, what I saw were few Korean and Japanese tourists who were playing golf. The beach resort, hotel and golf course were leased and managed by the Koreans. Few locals tourists are present.

More Photos of Puerto Azul here

Few kilometers from Puerto Azul was Cay Subic Beach Hotel and Golf where you could find bamboo cottages where we spent the night. It was a total relaxing new year since only few families checked in to that place. If this were a movie, you’d get the feeling of being stranded in an island paradise with no other people around you. I consider it a really good place to relax and meditate since the place was so quiet. As a matter of fact, only my son and I were swimming in the beach on that day. All you could hear are sounds of the sea, splashing waves on the shore and the strong winds.

More Photos of Puerto Azul here

A few kilometers away from Puerto Azul is the Caylabne Bay, which is more modern in concept at  that time. But then, I also wonder whatever happened to Caylabne by now.

Puerto Azul Beach and Country Club

Address: Barangay Sapang | Ternate, Cavite City, Luzon, Philippines

Official Websites:
Contact Numbers:

+(63)(046) 5240026
Manila Telephone:
+(63)(02) 8448541
+(63)(0919) 5335391
+(63)(0916) 3524950

How to get there: Map

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About the author /

Kit is a self-taught photographer who possesses an insatiable desire to capture and freeze through his lens remarkable moments that revolve around travel, food, sports and special events. A registered nurse by profession, Kit traces back his passion for visual media when his camera has become his constant companion to his various medical missions and travels. His photographic works can be viewed at the TheSideTripper.com and Motoph.com website he established that feature collections of photographs and blogs about the many travel and food tripping adventures of his family and friends. He also undertakes freelance assignments for online and print publications. He may be reached at admin@thesidetripper.com.

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    The Side Tripper

    “Make sure you don’t take any side trips,” warns Schumler, from a phrase in the 1993 American film Swing Kids. If you are someone who does not have time to lose, then it is better for you to stick to your main agenda, because there is something about side tripping that submerges the soul in experiences that sometimes make you hope that time would stand still, as the experiences they bring can be more impactful than the main trip itself. It is that free flowing agenda, an unexpected sleepover or a detour that has unintentionally brought pleasant surprises. You can live without it, like you can eat a cake without its icing, but your journey may not be as meaningful. If travel is the ‘best medicine for the heart’,* then for me, side trips are secret ingredients to the most memorable travels and other events that can happen in between or off the main route of one’s itineraries. Welcome to Side Tripper, a collection of photographs and blogs about the many side trip adventures of our family and friends. *Source: The Global Commission on Aging and Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, in partnership with the U.S. Travel Association (Los Angeles Times, December 17, 2013 by Chris Erskine)